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This legal notice, in future, the legal notice regulates the use of Internet service website, here inafter website of LA SANTOSA-AAPANAM, S.L.U. established in direction C / BALMES, Nº 18, 3-B, LLEIDA - 25006, CIF B-25770231 and registered in the Commercial Registry of Lleida, volume 1361, Folio 196, sheet L-27259. Other products and services contained on this website are provided by LA Santosa-Aapanam, S.L.U. in accordance with current legislation telematic services. 

Legislation in general the relationship between La Santosa-Aapanam, S.L.U. with the users of its telematic services on the website are subject to Spanish legislation and jurisdiction. Use and Disclosure of User The User is informed and accepts that access to this website does not, in any way, the beginning of a business relationship with La Santosa-Aapanam S.L.U. (LASA) fields. Access to any products and services contained on this website by the user is at your sole responsibility, exonerating LASA fields of any responsibility. La Santosa-Aapanam, S.L.U. may deny access to any user from the moment it is aware that the user does not meet the aforementioned requirements. 

The use of the website attributes the condition of user of the website, on, the user and implies full and unreserved acceptance of all and each of the provisions included in this Legal Notice in the version published by La Santosa-Aapanam, S.L.U. at the time same when the user accesses the website. Consequently, the User should you carefully read this Legal Notice each of the occasions on which she intends to use the website as it may undergo modifications. Website content and links (links) La Santosa-Aapanam, S.L.U. not responsible for the misuse of the contents of its website, being the sole responsibility of the person who accesses or uses. La Santosa-Aapanam, S.L.U. assumes no responsibility for information contained on websites of third parties which can be accessed by links (links) or search for web pages La Santosa-Aapanam Exchange and dissemination of information La Santosa-Aapanam, S.L.U. disclaims any liability arising from the exchange of information between users through their web pages. 

The responsibility for statements disseminated on its web pages corresponds to those who make them.





The intellectual property rights for the content of web pages, graphic design and codes belongs to La Santosa-Aapanam, S.L.U. and therefore, reproduction, distribution, public communication, transformation or any other activity that can be done with the contents of their websites or even quoting the sources, without written consent is prohibited La Santosa-Aapanam, S.L.U. similarly, all trade names, trademarks or distinctive signs of any kind on the websites of La Santosa-Aapanam, S.L.U. They are the property of their owners and are protected by law.




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